Franklin Office Park -Architectural Covenants

Door signs

Please refer
inquires to Management Office:

Franklin Park
Condominium, Inc.
P.O. Box 5847
Rockville, MD 20855-0847 301-590-0216
FAX 301-590-0218



Architectural Guide and Rules


Windows are the property of the owner but must meet the specifications of the original style. The majority of the windows in the complex have been replaced with in the last eight years, are a vinyl, insulated glass, double hung style some with and some without mullions. If you choose to replace your windows please match style, you will need to get approval from the Architectural Committee for your choice of replacement window.

Door Sample

Door Signs

Restrictions apply. No logos or graphics may be used on the signs. Signs must be in compliance with condo rules. All outside signs must be ordered with approval of the association. Signs shall be in anodized aluminum, lettered in Times Roman style with 1" black vinyl letters and without logos or advertisements. Signs shall be removed at owner's expense if they do not comply with the By-Laws.Our sign vendor is ARL Signs Co. 301-424-5525.

Signage in Windows

Use of windows for advertising of any kind is not permitted. County regulations restrict signage in our complex and the bylaws reflect those restrictions.

In the case of for lease or sale one agent sign may appear in one window.

Also that agency may have only one sign on the road regardless of the number of units they may represent.


Doors are the property of the owner maintenance and replacement if needed is handled by the owner. THere are restrictions on the designs of the doors and they must be metal and meet the fire code. Hardware including the mail slot must be brass. If you choose to replace your door please match style, you will need to get approval from the Architectural Committee for your choice of replacement door.

The association as a courtesy paints the doors in designated colors every couple of years. Please if you choose to paint adhere to the color and quality of paint.

PDF Page of acceptable door designs


Do not attach Satellite Dishes anywhere without prior written permission from the Board of Directors. There will be absolutely NO permission for roof mounting. If a unit owner or tenant erects a satellite dish on the roof, it will be immediately removed and the Tenant and/or Owner will be charged for the replacement of identical shingles and repair of the area.


Because water is supplied by the Association and is not individually monitored appliances and services that use excessive amounts are not acceptable in the complex. No washers, hot tubs etc.


Decks are intended for ergress and must not be cluttered with chairs or potted plants etc. Nothing is to be stored on or below the decks. Decks are maintained by the association and have recently been refurbished.